Out of Office

Hurtwood's Francis Atterbury shares his Out of Office essentials

In our Out of Office interview series, we speak to Walpole member and partner executives at the top of their game about how they live their lives away from their desks – the habits that help them decompress, the activities that re-centre their minds, and the little luxuries that they can't live without. This week, we talk Paul Temple, EasyJet Plus and Lamy fountain pens with Francis Atterbury, Director of fine art publishing house, Hurtwood
28th Jun 2024
Out of Office Hurtwood's Francis Atterbury shares his Out of Office essentials

Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?

Francis Atterbury: With difficulty. However, I use the ‘do not disturb’ setting on my phone to avoid late night interruptions and everyone’s encouraged to use the ‘send later’ function on Slack if all you’re doing is passing a ‘to do’ along!  

What’s one thing you do after the workday to help you unwind?

Walking. Walking home or to a station is always good and walking helps regain perspective.

What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?

Well, clearly walking. But also I’m a keen cyclist. For me, cycling’s not a lifestyle activity but a really good way to get around or to get out. No lycra. I’m over 60 and Lycra hasn’t been a good look for well over 20 years!

What’s something you’ve read, listened to, or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. My son bought us both a copy and I loved it. I can’t claim any great business insights but I completely forgot about work while reading it. Instead, I was transported to a tiny world within the USSR.

After home and the office, where’s your favourite ‘third space’?

Walking around the floating harbour in Bristol. We moved there last year and I love the mixture of city, harbour, inland waterways, trains and rivers that are all visible here. The food offerings are great and Bristol is such a fantastic place to be.

On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?

I pack my bag for the trip to London. Since moving to Bristol at the end of 2023, I spend 3–4 days each week in London and weekends in Bristol. I’ll check the calendar in case there’s anything I need or if I need to pack up some books for a meeting.

Best reason you've had to turn your out of office on recently?

My boys and I go to the EUROs each four years and we recently went to Germany. We sat in the Serbian end against England, saw Slovenia beat Belgium and spent another two days cycling together near the Black Forest. I didn’t think about work once. Lovely.

 The OUT OF OFFICE hotlist

Your go-to out of office outfit: Jeans, shirt and walking shoes.
Your happy place anywhere in the world: A Charlton Athletic away game with my children.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: Bar Nestor, Donostia, Spain. Tortilla, Padrón Peppers & Steak – they don’t serve anything else.
Something cultural/sporting you booked recently that you'd recommend: Starter for Ten at Bristol Old Vic. Like any live entertainment, theatre is almost always worth watching. When it’s good it can be joyous and even if it’s not great it’s still worth going. Starter for Ten was excellent and we loved every minute. Plus, as the English speaking world's oldest continuously working theatre, Bristol Old Vic is a great place to visit anyway.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: I’m loving  the original 1950's Paul Temple detective stories on the BBC. A glimpse back in time to a changed world.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: I’ve begun to develop an interest in gardening. Ironic since we sold our house and garden in Surrey for a house in Bristol without a garden. But maybe that’s why.
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: EasyJet Plus. I mean who hasn’t got ‘speedy boarding’ these days! But a free seat in Row 3 and an extra carry on bag – what’s not to like?
Best luxury under £25: A Lamy fountain pen – an essential luxury.

> Visit Hurtwood's member profile

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